linger over
verb as in beat a dead horse
Weak matches
Example Sentences
We could hunt in packs, and even linger over our struggling repasts.
I must linger over your peaceful slumber for just a few moments before I take you….
This keeps the clientele controlled and they in turn keep the restaurant open as long as you would like to linger over your meal.
She did cry a little when she went out, and shivered in the chill of the September morning, but she did not linger over her task.
We may not linger over the details of the next few weeks of her existence.
It is unnecessary to linger over this work, which has little interest for us.
It was a delightful dinner, well thought out between the host and head-waiter, but no one wished to linger over it.
I had no choice but to watch him linger over each dish, and to listen to his jests concerning my lack of appetite.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.