adverb as in unobtrusively
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Thus was OK inconspicuously born into the world, on March 23, 1839, in the pages of a cantankerous Boston newspaper.
Their strategy, were they to try to board a plane with a weapon, would be to dress as inconspicuously as possible.
Larrys share ended there, and Larry himself exited from the scene of his first command quite inconspicuously on a stretcher.
He was of medium height, stockily built, inconspicuously dressed in a blue short-sleeved tunic, gray slacks and sandals.
Inconspicuously, he worked his hand down through the sand bottom of the prison.
I had to evolve some scheme, and evolve it rapidly, how we might drop most inconspicuously into the world across the water.
As for Chief Manning, his genius for directing his subordinates is inconspicuously employed all the time.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.