de rigueur
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BUY NOWSandwiches may feel like de rigueur camping cuisine, but just because dinner is served between two slices of bread doesn’t mean it has to be ordinary.
Monkey and Pigsy even exchange the de rigueur banter and mutual putdowns of such action movies.
In the last year, her fusion exercise class has attracted a cult following and become de rigueur among the celebrity set.
And no matter what else a person eats, it is de rigueur to get an order of baked macaroni and cheese on the side.
And her denials and legal threats are faithfully modeled after the de rigueur motions of past sex-tape shock-feigning stars.
Tyga raps a lot about sex and strip clubs, and these are completely de rigueur for a popular young rapper.
Of course, there was a time when facial hair was de rigueur on Wall Street.
Belching seemed to be de rigueur as a tribute to the cuisine, so Aaron belched his stomach flat.
But no; the chairs were de rigueur, with crests on the back of them.
In Garland Town, if you walked with two ladies it was de rigueur to offer an arm to each.
A heavy gold watch-chain and diamond ring is de rigueur, but otherwise they do not wear much jewellery.
She could hardly, she says, induce him to wear his "polite garments," which were de rigueur at any official ceremony.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.