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verb as in clog

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The authors describe how, in the late 19th century, the streets of fast-industrializing cities were congested with horses, each pulling a cart or a coach, one after the other, in some places three abreast.

When she was on the sidewalk, some of the already narrow walkways were congested with large signs.

However, utilization of these resources is kind of skewed towards very few major roads that end up being congested in the peak hours.

The volume you can achieve per pound spent can be attractive, especially given it’s not as congested with other advertisers as other apps.

From Digiday

As a result, many retailers and grocers have been attempting to stockpile supplies in advance of January 1 and the road approaches to the Channel crossings have already been congested for weeks due to the additional truck traffic.

From Fortune

The contents of a hundred Primers rose higgledy-piggledy, to congest his mind and memory.

The keen night air had seemed for the moment fairly to congest her lungs and render her speechless and breathless.

Alcohol will sometimes congest the brain of an adult under the most trying and discouraging circumstances.

It is an easy thing to have printed congealed for that word, and congest occurs in A Lover's Complaint.

His case, with such phrases as "Supportlessly congest" well to the fore, was good.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


