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The thought of him meticulously taping hundreds of those now-yellowed clippings onto the pages tugs at my heart.

It was about three to five seconds, which was not a clipping to hear nothing.

From Ozy

So after we got the clipping, me and my DJ, we went to the studio, we looped it over for about a minute and 30 seconds to two minutes.

From Ozy

Any clippings clogging the blades or spilling out onto the bathroom counter will be a thing of the past.

There are a few strategies you can employ to make clipping as easy as possible, which will save energy and help you climb with better flow.

A place where unexplained delays are a matter of course, and where public fingernail clipping is considered only a minor sin.

Fortunately it never detonated, and Ulli keeps a framed newspaper clipping and photo of it in his home.

It was the same kind of clipping that you do yourself every week, except that only a small piece of only one nail was clipped.

Arrested on misdemeanor charges for leaving the scene of an accident after reportedly clipping a pedestrian in downtown Manhattan.

Everyone ascends via the same route, clipping into ropes stitched up the mountainside—six miles of it—all the way to the top.

Silently, without even so much as a nod, he laid a newspaper clipping before the Chief of Police.

I have positive information: the "blind" prisoner gave me the clipping during exercise.

I have initialed the clipping in question, Mr. Wilcox, and ask you to do the same.

When an experienced showman came to do the clipping, I naturally stuck around to see what would happen.

You hire an office, a clerk, two stenographers and a clipping export, and prepare to take care of the work that comes in.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


