adjective as in lively
Strongest matches
adjective as in rousing
noun as in murmur
noun as in susurration
noun as in susurrus
Example Sentences
The image was normally kind of ghostly, and every time the network would post stats on the screen, the TV would get buggy and buzz loudly.
OpenAI’s text generating AI has gotten a lot of buzz since its release in June.
Similarly, there’s been some quiet buzz around zinc, which is the main ingredient in the homeopathic therapy Cold-Eeze.
Over the last year, buzz around ESG investing has grown significantly.
Quarles has one of the highest signal-to-noise ratios I’ve ever seen, equally passionate about her dog as she is about the latest buzz in business.
So I begin polishing, Boyle begins to make preliminary drawings, and things are buzzing.
After much frantic buzzing about the lot, he's located and changes his plans at the last minute.
Hana seeks refuge from the buzzing lights of Otome Road in a nearby café and makes another swirl with her straw.
Of course, the loud buzzing of such drones and towels being blown away would have been a dead giveaway to the pool girls.
And there it was before my eyes—a real trip in those brain-buzzing LSD colors.
The big propeller-wings began to beat the air, and the sound rose to a keen buzzing.
They'd come buzzing out of those tents like hornets if we broke in now, in all probability.
He'd like to go buzzing into San Jose behind the wheel of a car like the one Foster had fooled him into stealing.
Now their rising tiers of seats were filled by a buzzing throng, rustling their silken mantles and satin bleaunts.
The gadfly does not immediately sting you; it begins by buzzing in your ears, and you do not at first know what it is.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.