adverb as in concisely
Strongest match
adverb as in for a short time
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
He explained the various vaccine providers in Illinois, and what strategies worked for each — such as the Twitter accounts and aggregator sites that had briefly flourished and then been shut down for security violations.
Temperatures between 32 and 34 degrees mean little accumulation is occurring on road surfaces although they may briefly get slick during any moderate bursts as visibility drops.
While we briefly discussed our preference for inkjet printers for photos, you can go further by finding a printer that is specifically designed to deliver beautiful, high-quality images.
Along the way, I was the chef for the bar and the lounge, and then worked at the Joël Robuchon restaurant briefly.
The Know-Nothings formed a political movement that briefly became a major political party in the United States in the mid-1800s.
Lee and Coogan did briefly meet with the pope, with pictures to prove it, but no one at the Vatican officially screened the film.
After the screening, Jolie, who says she renewed her faith in “the divine” during filming, met briefly with the pope.
Scalise spoke briefly, adding little of substance, saying that the people back home know him best.
Other footage shows him fleeing, keeping to a quick walk, jogging briefly, then walking again as he heads for a subway station.
He was courteous, explained the legitimate reason we were briefly pulled over, and then let us continue on our way.
To this the fat boy, considerably terrified, briefly responded, “Missis.”
There are many excellent makers, but we must content ourselves with briefly noticing the most prominent.
Garnache assured him very briefly, and none too politely that he did not intend to prove of any excessive amiability.
As that religion seems to be still very popular I will try to express it as briefly as I can.
Briefly—Joan's silk tent had been torn, and the girl was in a state bordering upon hysterics.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.