noun as in mass destruction
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Example Sentences
“Six and a half years in, and I got out to a zombie apocalypse,” she says.
The insect apocalypse has captured headlines, but the situation is more nuanced than that.
Back in 2018, we first saw the Atlas robot performing “parkour” and the YouTube comment section was packed full of references to an impending apocalypse.
Then a mysterious global apocalypse occurs, prompting all his fellow scientists to evacuate.
Fears of a robot-driven jobs apocalypse are a recurring theme in the media.
Such is the strange and permanent apocalypse of 21st-century L.A.
Conning people into buying a book to prepare for an "Ebola apocalypse" is not just irresponsible, it's pathetic.
In retrospect, 2009 and 2010 were halcyon days in the Middle East, now that we seem just one horseman short of an apocalypse.
If you were in the zombie apocalypse, would you be a hunter, the hunted, or Tyreese?
All in all, a good week for learning that people you love aren't really dead and also holding off the apocalypse.
The sun, pale in the midst of a strange sickly transparence, lighted up this outline of the Apocalypse.
It also possessed one of the earliest of the block-books, the Apocalypse.
But a clear and direct allusion to this last grouping of the constellations occurs in the Apocalypse.
And behold I saw, said the seer of the Apocalypse, as if it were a sea of glass mingled with fire.
This Ten-Weeks Apocalypse, therefore, we take to be the work of the writer of the rest of xci.-civ.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.