article as in a
Strong match
Example Sentences
My younger, straighter-than-an-arrow son was stopped and arrested in two separate jurisdictions a few years ago.
A half-an-hour earlier they had been caught in the middle of a mortar barrage in a skirmish with separatists.
The full translation follows: In the region of Torez, a AN-26 was just shot down, crashing behind the “progress” mine.
In those accounts, neither Buzzelli nor the eager-for-an-angle reporters dubbed the man a World Trade Center “surfer.”
Or is he just a straight-as-an-arrow Eagle Scout, far more Clark Kent than Superman?
They had searched Mortlake House for Alice, and that vain quest had not wasted more than half-an-hour.
On the first day's journey toward Chang-an-sa the party made good progress.
Passing through the gate, our friends found themselves at once in the midst of the Chang-an-sa monastery buildings.
It was the merest baby—half-an-ounce, perhaps—and it fell from the hook into the herbage some yards from the stream.
In half-an-hour he was sound asleep, and a dead silence reigned in Azalea Lodge.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.