noun as in sorcerer
Example Sentences
And, he notes, even alchemists ended up making valuable discoveries.
Still, veteran testers couldn’t help but compare the easy-riding Excavator with the hard-charging Alchemist.
“If you know Armand Hammer, they’re your favorite,” says Daniel Maman, the twice Grammy-nominated producer known as the Alchemist.
Book after book, the famous alchemist Paulo Coelho has transmuted leaden cliches into publishing gold.
Ever since, this mathematical form has signified the extraterrestrial, and it became a beloved symbol of alchemists and astrologists.
Baldwin becomes a social and spiritual alchemist by blending rage with love.
Well, he was no Svengali, no alchemist and, obviously, they would have happened without him.
Think of story and character as the tools of an alchemist, not those of a builder.
I feel like they are the alchemist of the tuber world; they make everything from smooth, soft purees to beautiful crunchy pickles.
With the masked, shape-changing American alchemist, it is impossible to know too much for sure.
A chemist would regard it as waste of time to discuss his science with an alchemist.
The emphatic al places the alchemist as much above the ordinary chemist as the gold which he obtains is superior to other metals.
This celebrated alchemist lived to be one hundred and thirty years old,—an age which some biographers give to Marion de Lorme.
At this period the alchemist is represented by his descendant as a Puritan impregnated with the secret doctrine of Robert Fludd.
Orschall still accepted the old alchemist tradition but was sound in practice and was the best authority on copper.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.