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tutelage is a synonym of instruction

noun [ toot-l-ij, tyoot- ]

tutelage is another word for instruction

To be under the tutelage of another is to receive careful guidance and instruction from that person. A promising young violinist might be lucky enough to come under the tutelage of a world-renowned musician, receiving expert training and support in a manner that sets her up for future success. Tutelage comes from Latin tūtēla “guardianship,” and its earliest uses in English referred to the act of guarding or protecting, or to the office or function of a guardian. While the meaning of the term has broadened, it still suggests a degree of watchful protectiveness or personal interest on the part of the teacher or guide.

Commonly found as

under the tutelage
The young musician's talents were nurtured under the tutelage of the celebrated concert pianist.
expert tutelage
He was grateful to have spent the summer learning under the expert tutelage of his mentor.

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sluggish is a synonym of slow

adjective [ sluhg-ish ]

sluggish is another word for slow

The adjective slow describes things characterized by a lack of speed (slow pace) or moving with less than usual speed (slow train). Sluggish, calling to mind everyone’s favorite shell-less gastropod, captures this as well. But sluggish also suggests a lack of activity, as in laziness or lethargy, or stagnant growth as in an industry or economy. You might feel sluggish after a grand feast, for instance. After your meal, perhaps while lounging about and browsing headlines, you might encounter news of sluggish sales in a retail sector or a sluggish economic recovery.

Commonly found as

feel sluggish
He was feeling sluggish after his long nap so he made himself a strong cup of tea.
sluggish economy
The entrepreneur decided against launching a new startup in such a sluggish economy.

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gadget is a synonym of device

noun [ gaj-it ]

gadget is another word for device

The noun device often refers to a smartphone or tablet, but if you're looking for more general term for brilliant doohickey or contraption, gadget is an excellent option. A gadget, properly defined, is a mechanical contrivance or device. It is the slightly more dignified cousin of such catchall terms as thingamajig, whatsit, and gizmo. Typically, the noun gadget implies some ingenuity and possible complexity. One might call something a gadget when one does not quite understand how it works but appreciates its utility.

Commonly found as

electronic gadgets
All the major tech companies come out with new electronic gadgets right around the winter holiday season.
gizmos + gadgets
He spent several hours in the garage playing with all his new gizmos and gadgets.

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