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proportion is a synonym of ratio

noun [ pruh-pawr-shuhn ]

proportion is another word for ratio

Ratio refers to a comparison between two quantities (It’s important to keep an eye on the ratio of houses to home buyers).

Proportion refers to the quantity of one thing in relation to the total (The proportion of cake to frosting in this dessert is just right).

Ratio and proportion mean very similar things, but ratio more strongly suggests a mathematical or more specific relationship (I need to know the exact ratio of water to rice or the dish will be either too dry or too soggy).

Proportion can also suggest a more approximate size or extent between things (The set should be made in proportion to the actor’s height).

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scamper is a synonym of dash

verb [ skam-per ]

scamper is another word for dash

Dash and scamper both mean to move quickly (The cat dashed under the bed; The toddlers scampered up the stairs).

Dash particularly suggests moving quickly in response to some kind of danger, whether real danger or playacted (The knight dashed across the room before the wizard could spot her).

Scamper suggests quick but playful movement, or a disorganized speed associated with children and young animals (The puppy scampered across the garden).

Scamper, don’t run, to check out these superb synonyms!

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envious is a synonym of jealous

adjective [ en-vee-uhs ]

envious is another word for jealous

Jealous and envious both refer to negative feelings we might have when someone else has something we wish we had.

Jealous is more negative, suggesting resentment toward someone because of their successes, advantages, possessions or lifestyle (I felt jealous of my co-worker’s promotion; I feel guilty for scratching his car just because I was jealous).

Envious is a little more neutral, suggesting a sense of sadness along with desire (He has such great hair, I’m so envious; I’m so envious of how much you get to travel).

✅ You might feel jealous if a friend or romantic partner is spending more time with another person rather than you. Envious in this situation would suggest you wanted to spend time with that other person, too!

There’s no need to feel envious of other people’s vocabularies—learn these synonyms!

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