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adverb [ joo-dish-uhs-lee ]

judiciously is another word for appropriately

Appropriately refers to doing something in a way that suits the circumstances (She was paid appropriately for her work).

Judiciously refers to doing something in a way that shows wisdom and good judgment (We chose our candidates judiciously).

✅ Doing something appropriately can also require wisdom and judgment (They had a lot of kitchen tools, and designated the pantry shelves appropriately).

✅ However, judiciously suggests a greater degree of thought and judgment, above and beyond what is implied by appropriately (He judiciously selected the charities where he wanted to donate his money).

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vessel is a synonym of container

noun [ ves-uhl ]

vessel is another word for container

✅ A container is anything that can contain something else, such as a box, tub, or crate (We put the rest of the food in a container).

✅ A vessel is something hollow that generally holds a liquid, such as a cup or vase (They used a wooden vessel to carry water from the stream).

✅ A vessel is usually made of a single piece of material, while a container is anything that can hold something, and generally has a lid (We had a lot of glass vessels in the lab; I borrowed a plastic container from my friend so that I could take soup to work).

Vessel in this sense can sound old-fashioned as now it is used more often to mean a boat or ship. When you get right down to it, a ship is just a different kind of container!

You’ll need a large container for all these synonyms for vessel!

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peddle is a synonym of sell

verb [ ped-l ]

peddle is another word for sell

Sell means to exchange goods for money, either in person or from a place of business (She decided to sell handmade cups and vases).

Peddle often means to carry goods from place to place in order to sell them (She peddled her pottery at local markets).

Sell is a more general word, whereas peddle suggests a specific way of doing business.

Peddle can be used in a derogatory way, suggesting that the goods being sold are low quality, or that the seller is untrustworthy in some way. It can be used to get this point across even if the person described is not strictly peddling (The store started peddling cheap earphones).

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