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garb is a synonym of clothing

noun [ gahrb ]

garb is another word for clothing

Clothing refers to what we cover our bodies with. If we’re talking about clothing and specify that it is worn by a certain group of people or for a particular occasion, garb could be a strong alternative: prison garb; funeral garb. Garb sometimes suggests costume: actors dressed in period garb.  Perhaps because garb draws attention to itself separately from the wearer, it is used figuratively, as the word “guise” is, to refer to an outward appearance that hides what’s underneath: manipulation cloaked in the garb of generosity.

Commonly found as

don + garb
I didn’t recognize my uncle because he had donned full 80’s garb for the Halloween party.
traditional garb
At the international festival, people wearing the traditional garb of their countries stood in line for popcorn with people wearing everyday street clothes.

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impel is a synonym of drive

verb [ im-pel ]

impel is another word for drive

Both verbs refer to the action of internal forces that push or urge people to do something. Drive suggests the powerful effect of these forces, typically passion, need, fear, or desire, on a person’s actions or choices, where the action becomes almost involuntary: driven by a desire for conquest. Impel comes from the Latin word that means “to strike against; to set in motion,” and can mean literally “to push forward” as wind impels a ship. More frequently, impel is used figuratively, and suggests an urging forward towards action by something less compulsory than drive suggests and more of an internal motive or incentive.

Commonly found as

desire + impel
A desire for some intellectual stimulation impelled me to pick up this philosophy book.
impelled to act
It’s simplistic to assert that human beings are impelled to act by pleasure or pain alone.

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puerile is a synonym of immature

adjective [ pyoo-er-il, -uh-rahyl, pyoor-il, -ahyl ]

puerile is another word for immature

Both words describe conduct that is more befitting of someone who is young. Immature suggests an unfortunate, but often rectifiable, lack of emotional development that often issues in selfishirresponsible, and unprofessional behavior. Puerile is a more contemptuous term for childish behavior, which may or may not be connected to its origin in a Latin word meaning “boyish.” Puerile is associated with silly, empty, and shallow ideas and actions (puerile drivel; puerile name-calling), and is intensified with adverbs like “maddeningly” and “embarrassingly.” Puerile is frequently used to describe politics, arguments, and humor, particularly when it has to do with bodily functions: tell puerile, scatalogical jokes.

Commonly found as

maddeningly puerile
Two of the parents hijacked our PTA meeting when they started engaging in some maddeningly puerile behavior, including snickering at the principal's new haircut.
puerile comedy
I wish I’d read the review that said the movie was “filled with puerile comedy and gross-out gags” before we paid all that money to see it.

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