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doze is a synonym of sleep

verb [ dohz ]

doze is another word for sleep

On this International Cat Day, we look at a distinction of the utmost importance, the difference between dozing and sleeping. To sleep is to be in a state of deep rest in which consciousness is suspended (the viral video of a kitten sleeping flat on its back), or to regularly enter this state for an extended period (She sleeps in the spare room.). Doze implies being lightly asleep (I'm not asleep; I was just dozing. Cats hear everything while they doze.), or slipping in and out of a light sleep (doze in front of the television on Sunday afternoon). When we unintentionally fall into a light sleep, we often say we dozed off, and when we're surprised or confused about having been asleep, we say, “I must have dozed off!

Commonly found as

must have dozed off
Oh no, do I smell cookies burning? I must have dozed off!
doze fitfully
The fever kept him from sleeping soundly, and he dozed fitfully day and night.

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vacant is a synonym of empty

adjective [ vey-kuhnt ]

vacant is another word for empty

Empty and vacant denote absence of content or contents. Empty means without the appropriate or usual contents: an empty refrigerator; empty bottles. An empty room could be a bare room or one without people in it (the theater was almost empty). Vacant is usually applied to that which is temporarily unoccupied: a vacant position; three vacant apartments. A vacant lot is a piece of property which has no buildings on it and lies unused.

Commonly found as

vacant lot
The house on Plain Street would have been perfect for us, but the presence of several vacant lots on the block told us the neighborhood was in decline.
leave/left vacant
When the United States entered World War II, men's jobs were left vacant, and women began to work in positions that they had until then been excluded from.

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synthesize is a synonym of combine

verb [ sin-thuh-sahyz ]

synthesize is another word for combine

Combine and synthesize refer to mixing or joining together two or more things into one. Combine has the broader range of usage, and is looser with respect to how closely associated the joined elements become. Recipes instruct us to combine the diced onions, peppers, and spices in a bowl. Combine also applies to more abstract things: a major that allows her to combine her love of history with biology. Synthesize implies a transformative joining together. In science, it refers to the manufacture of a new substance by means of a chemical reaction between different elements (cells synthesize and secrete insulin). Outside of science, synthesize is mostly used for the mental work of bringing together a number of ideas, information, evidence, or data, in order to make sense of them as a whole (a paper synthesizing existing research). Similarly, a musician might synthesize styles from various musical traditions to create a new work.

Commonly found as

synthesize research
The presenter did an excellent job of summarizing and synthesizing the research so as to make it clear what has prevented practical implementation of the findings.
ability to synthesize
The professor told us that, in our midterm papers, she would be judging our ability to synthesize information and draw a conclusion rather than simply summarizing one source after another.

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