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devise is a synonym of create

verb [ dih-vahyz ]

devise is another word for create

The verb create, at its most general, means to bring something into being. To devise something is to plan it or think it up. The main action of devise occurs in the mind. An economist may devise a plan or a strategy, for instance, with the goal of creating jobs or wealth. In some older uses, devise carried nefarious and deceptive undertones, as in "The conspirators devised the downfall of the ruler." Nowadays, devise is more neutral, though it may still have a plot or two up its sleeve.

Commonly found as

devise a strategy
The CEO carefully devised a strategy to sustain their operations through the new year.
devise and implement
The governor devised and implemented an ingenious plan that would provide all the necessary equipment to the service workers.

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prodigious is a synonym of amazing

adjective [ pruh-dij-uhs ]

prodigious is another word for amazing

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to overuse the word amazing? Prodigious is a more specific descriptor. Like amazing, prodigious conveys a sense of wonder, but it is used to comment on the size, amount, extent, or degree of what is being described. Items described as prodigious are extraordinary by one of these measures, as a musician with prodigious talent, a research grant of a prodigious amount, or a career notable for its prodigious output.

Commonly found as

prodigious talent, prodigious amount
The violinist's prodigious talent was on full display at the summer concert.
produce + prodigious
The experiment produced a prodigious amount of data.

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illuminate is a synonym of light

verb [ ih-loo-muh-neyt ]

illuminate is another word for light

To illuminate is to supply with light or to light up. But this verb is not used in exactly the same way as the much more general verb light. For instance, light is more appropriate to talk about the action of igniting or setting something to burn, as a candle. But illuminate is more appropriate for talking about what that lit candle will do: illuminate the room! Stars illuminate the night sky, just as festive lights illuminate residential streets during the holidays. To illuminate a path forward is to shed light on the best course of action—unless of course the path is a literal one from, say, the mailbox to the front door after sunset. In which case, a flashlight should do the trick! Illuminate can also refer to shedding light on a subject, as if to make it more clear or comprehensible.

Commonly found as

light + illuminate
A flash of light illuminated the dark forest, as if to warn its inhabitants that a storm was on the way.
illuminate + path
In her darkest hour, his words of encouragement helped to illuminate her path forward.

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