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cognizant is a synonym of aware

adjective [ kog-nuh-zuhnt, kon-uh- ]

cognizant is another word for aware

The adjective cognizant implies more understanding, attentiveness, and reasoning than simple sensory awareness. One can be aware of a sound in the distance, but such a state does not necessarily suggest any sort of deliberate recognition or engagement with its occurrence. Cognizant is frequently used in the phrase cognizant of the fact to indicate that a person has incorporated knowledge or understanding of something into their decision-making process.

Commonly found as

cognizant of the fact
He made his decision cognizant of the fact that it would have serious repercussions.
fully cognizant
The hikers were fully cognizant of their surroundings, making sure not to take a false step on the rocky trail.

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steadfast is a synonym of loyal

adjective [ sted-fast, -fahst, -fuhst ]

steadfast is another word for loyal

Loyal and steadfast are words you can rely on. The adjective loyal implies allegiance to a person, organization, cause or idea. Steadfast means literally “fixed in place”—such as an immovable structure. But more often steadfast is used figuratively to indicate undeviating constancy or resolution. A steadfast friend, then, is someone who is “fixed in place” by your side, so to speak, and who will maintain that position come what may.

Commonly found as

steadfast commitment
She was proud of her company for its steadfast commitment to local farmers.
remain steadfast
Throughout all their trials and tribulations, he remained steadfast in his love and devotion.

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scrupulous is a synonym of careful

adjective [ skroo-pyuh-luhs ]

scrupulous is another word for careful

To be careful is to be cautious in one’s actions. To be scrupulous is to be especially attentive to and conscientious about every last detail. Scrupulous comes from the word scruple, which is defined as “a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions,” and indeed, the adjective also suggests being principled or having moral or ethical standards.

Commonly found as

scrupulous attention to detail
The carpenter paid scrupulous attention to detail when installing the wainscoting because he wanted it to look authentic.
less scrupulous
In the hands of a less scrupulous reporter, the story might have been sensationalized and exploited.

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