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attachment is a synonym of devotion

noun [ uh-tach-muhnt ]

attachment is another word for devotion

Devotion refers to an earnest sense of loyalty to a cause or person (She showed enormous devotion to her pets).

Attachment refers to a strong emotional bond to a person, cause, or ideal (I had a particular attachment to honey bee conservation).

✅ Both these terms refer to a feeling of being bonded to someone or something in a positive sense.

Attachment emphasizes the sense of a bond, whereas devotion emphasizes feelings of love, loyalty, and dedication (I feel attachment to even my distant relatives; I expressed my devotion to the cause).

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glamour is a synonym of romance

noun [ glam-er ]

glamour is another word for romance

Romance refers to the excitement and sense of adventure that is attached to activities, eras, or places (Get swept away by the romance of an old-fashioned train journey).

Glamour refers to the excitement and sense of adventure that a person might attach to lifestyles that are outside of their ordinary experience (The glamour of balls and fancy dinner parties).

✅ Both terms refer to a sense of exciting novelty that is inspired by experiences that seem unusual or more interesting than everyday life.

Glamour suggests an element of fame or celebrity, whereas romance suggests an element of nostalgia or luxury (I longed for the glamour of a Hollywood lifestyle; I wanted to experience the romance of a five-star vacation).

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disregard is a synonym of disinterest

noun [ dis-ri-gahrd ]

disregard is another word for disinterest

Disinterest refers to indifference toward or lack of interest in something (She read the newspaper with disinterest).

Disregard refers to a lack of attention, concern, or respect (They showed blatant disregard for my feelings).

✅ Both words can refer to a lack of attention or a lack of proper concern about something.

✅ However, disinterest emphasizes indifference, whereas disregard emphasizes a rude lack of respect.

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