Example Sentences
The cutting cable is spun around an automatic feed spool, making it easy to adjust on the go.
This means that when you’re listening to your favorite song, the tape is rolling out from the spool on the left, and reeled in by the spool on the right.
If you want to go even fancier, you can save nearly $7 on a spool of glow-in-the-dark filament.
Your other option when it comes to 3D printing involves turning spools of plastic thread into layers that build your object.
Nobody looks at the humble reels or spools on which the kite strings are wound, even though the aerial performances depend on how skillfully those reels are handled.
There he lies in fetal position, reeling from thoughts of the atrocities he has committed, which spool endlessly in his mind.
I want a spool of red silk, two pieces of crimson dress braid, and a spool of fifty cotton.
It is easily avoided, however, by procuring a large spool and fastening it to the bottom of the base with a wood screw.
The spool will serve as a handle while the varnish is applied, and also makes a stand for the board while the varnish dries.
On the inside of the spool, or towel support, an ordinary incandescent electric globe was placed.
The ends of the spool are made of thin brass and are dimensioned as shown in Fig. 2, at B and C.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.