

View definitions for splayed


adjective as in wide

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The realities of racism, poverty, and structural inequality are splayed out before us in ugliness and in the relative uncomfortable calm of the chronic phase it becomes impossible to look away.

Reports describe a gruesome scene of “almost unspeakable horror” with “bodies everywhere, organs splayed out.”

Crown emerges from the bedroom with a pair of flat black slacks, the cloudy detritus of afterbirth splayed across the seat.

The grisly footage obtained by BFMTV shows the French-speaking fighters arriving at a scene splayed with bodies.

Blankets, overnight bags, sleeping bags, pillows, iPads, books, and students were splayed throughout the building.

He sees his bare legs splayed out in front of him, and he sees hot brown pitch poured over them, scalding, clinging to his skin.

The East ridge of Changtse had no existence for us; we looked across at what presumably were the splayed-out slopes supporting it.

The heading joints of flooring are often specified to be splayed or bevelled, but it is far better to rebate them.

The Perpendicular clearstorey windows have their rims moulded, but are not splayed.

They are as usual round-headed and plainly splayed, and their sills descend to the string-course in steps.

Still holding her eyes with his own, Glavour stepped forward until his huge splayed foot rested on the weapon.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


