noun as in penalty
Strongest matches
abuse, beating, discipline, forfeiture, retribution, sanction, suffering, torture, trial
Strong matches
amercement, castigation, chastening, chastisement, comeuppance, confiscation, correction, deprivation, forfeit, gallows, infliction, lumps, maltreatment, mortification, mulct, ostracism, pain, penance, proof, purgatory, reparation, rod, sequestration, unhappiness, victimization
Weak matches
disciplinary action, hard work, punitive measures, rough treatment, short shrift, what for
Example Sentences
Me being a goofball got me out of being on punishment with my mom.
If indeed Barrios earned a percentage of the company’s profits, or continues to, and did not disclose it when he worked for Gómez, he could be open to additional punishment.
In accepting Giannulli’s plea deal, Gorton said the prison terms are “sufficient but not greater than necessary punishment under the circumstances.”
The approach could only have led to punishment of outstanding outliers in favor of a consistent average.
Ostensibly, they were added as punishment for facilitating shocking human rights abuses against Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang.
In an act of corporal punishment that we at the Daily Beast do not condone, Joseph grabbed Him by the ear and “pulled hard.”
When Christians and Hindus are accused of insulting Islam in Pakistan, the punishment is harsh.
Though, some would still indulge, even with the risk of punishment.
In the 1980s, your community allowed hundreds of thousands of us to die because you believed AIDS was divine punishment.
By the end of his life, the memories of corporal punishment at the hands of his teachers were vivid.
The fact that the day following the punishment parade was a Sunday brought about a certain relaxation from discipline.
These evidences of an impulse to look on correction as a quite proper thing are corroborated by stories of self-punishment.
But once Austria was disposed of, Prussia and Russia met their punishment for having given her secret or open aid.
Punishment still comes to us from those whom we would circumvent.
It was he who deserved punishment—not the sufferer with his calamities imposed upon him by his erring sire.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.