operating table
noun as in operating room
Weak matches
Example Sentences
One hostage died en route, the Journal reported, while the other died on the operating table.
She also shoots a Taiwanese man on an operating table—his wound is going to be fatal anyway, her health is more important.
He died instantly; she lived long enough to be carried to an operating table.
Once we decided that, I compartmentalized the character into small parts and stitched him together on the operating table.
Inside, a miniature corpse lay on an operating table in a tiled room.
He was on a small table, like an operating table; the whole place looked like a medical lab or a clinic.
Something happened on Mars to change her from what she once was to—what you saw on your operating table.
"We're still operating smoothly," I commented with a sweeping glance at the instruments over the operating table.
One car is fitted up as an operating room, but fortunately no one is on the operating table as we crawl past.
Anæsthetise the animal and secure it to the operating table, dorsum uppermost.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.