Example Sentences
He explained how lease buyout prices are currently much lower than used car prices, which puts lessees at a considerable advantage.
Sabas said in an email that her memory of how the exemption provision came together was fuzzy, but she recalled several lessees had contacted the senator’s office seeking assistance in acquiring the land.
He may be a lessee, agent, or having such possession and control as would justify him in thus acting.
If the time be less, a verbal lease may be made, even though the lessee does not take immediate possession of the premises.
If the lessee die, his executor or administrator can assign the remainder of his term.
A transfer by the lessee of the whole or a part of his interest for a part of the time is a sublease and not an assignment.
As the lessee may assign or sublet unless forbidden, so may the lessor part with his interest in the leased premises.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.