noun as in landlord
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At the end of the film, as the hotelier, his wife and son are rescued and about to be evacuated to Belgium, they find the orphaned Kanimba and her younger sister in a refugee camp and adopt them.
The former hotelier became an opposition leader in exile and a thorn in Kagame’s side.
Loaning money to shopkeepers, landlords and hoteliers in places such as Times Square or SoHo used to be considered almost a sure thing.
Rate Spotlight is the pricing intelligence tool that enables hoteliers to understand how their rates compare to competitors’ in their markets.
Shmueli Levin, a hotelier from Davos, Switzerland, learned about Elli’s Kosher Kitchen last July.
The principals of design firm Roman and Williams discuss their collaboration with the late hotelier.
The hotelier alerted authorities who sent a Coast Guard ship to meet the incoming boat.
But focusing on in-store experience—and bringing in a French hotelier to fix it—misses the forest for the trees.
Gaza City hotelier Jawdat Al Khodary said much the same thing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.