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hold power

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They hold power and injure all who come into their view, not with overt malice, but adolescent ignorance.

The only thing that matters about Awlaki's death is whether it helps President Saleh hold power, writes Jeb Boone.

A dictator's corrupt and repressive rule becomes unbearable as people see that his family intends to hold power forever.

Even if they do not manage to take and hold power, they are examples of the dissolute lives that sons of dictators often lead.

It is the consequence of centuries of abuse of blacks by those who hold power over them.

It was the best way to hold power; but the Missionaries held the tribes which they served up to a higher standard of morals.

He should by rights be Peshwa of the Mahrattas, and hold power even over your emperor at Delhi.'

No minister could hold power unless he could command a majority in this house.

But no political party can long exist, certainly none can long hold power, while reposing solely upon devotion to a single idea.

The Leopards, the Ghost Crocodiles, and the other strange societies don't hold power for nothing.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


