

View definitions for father figure

father figure

noun as in father substitute

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Because I don’t have a dad, he was also the closest thing I had to a father figure in my life.

From Time

That pledge broadened when he realized he wasn’t the only kid without a dad around, so he doubled-down and decided he’d also help anyone else who needed a father figure.

She belongs to the same political faction as Mori and has described him as a father figure in the past.

On the big screen, a head coach is typically part father figure, part disciplinarian extracting the utmost from his team.

And he was a mentor, close friend, and father figure to Rev. Al Sharpton.

Mad Men is very big on surrogate parents on the show, and Roger always viewed Bert as a surrogate father figure.

On Friday Night Lights, Coach Taylor is as much a father figure to the boys on the Dillon Panthers as he is their play caller.

"He was regarded by Cressida as a father figure," a friend of Miss Bonas told the Daily Beast.

So it was like meeting some sort of father figure, whose approval you always wanted.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


