

View definitions for eroticism


noun as in sexual excitement

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He is the amalgamation of eroticism, grief, healing, and appreciating the richness of life itself.

For all the vulgar jokes we collectively enjoy, there's a cultural disconnect between sexual humor and actual eroticism.

“Politics and celebrity — there is a bit of eroticism in the show too, and also cultural critique,” Phillips explains.

We Americans are still pretty strong on eroticism, but all too often it is fear that spurs us or restrains us.

But there was more to it than an alternative-looking eroticism -- the real story was actually the technology.

Islam has a very rich tradition of sacred sexuality and eroticism.

And soon I became quite familiar with the devious, vicious, dirtily-pleasant eroticism of Soho.

The sensuous and voluptuous libertine is enchanted by the eroticism of the “Roman Elegies.”

The antique bas-relief awakens the slumbering eroticism in him and makes the childhood memories active.

Thus delusion triumphs anew every time that eroticism and resistance struggle anew.

The rejection of the eroticism, which dominates him, expresses itself there in his abhorrence of honeymoon travellers.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


