

View definitions for enzymatic


adjective as in chemical

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Eventually, enzymatic recycling may be able do things that mechanical recycling can’t, like recycle clothes or mixed streams of plastics.

In a recent report, researchers estimated that manufacturing PET from enzymatic recycling could reduce greenhouse gas emissions between 17% and 43% compared to making virgin PET.

Carbios has been developing enzymatic recycling since the company was founded in 2011.

Companies and researchers have worked to develop enzymatic processes, like the one used at Carbios, as well as chemical processes, like the method used by Loop Industries.

Basically, a Trojan horse invades the cell and pours out spies that insert themselves into the cell—changing its DNA—with the help of enzymatic magicians.

Digestion is a technical term which relates the mechanical, enzymatic, and chemical degradation of food.

Especially is this the case with barleys containing large percentages of nitrogen and of high enzymatic activities.

The life of the corn is now suspended, but enzymatic processes continue.

Formolization of the antigens was necessary as a means of preventing denaturation of the proteins by enzymatic activity.


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