

View definitions for dusted


verb as in sprinkle tiny particles

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Each night, when he finished, his body was caked in the dust from the crushed bones and stank of the landfill.

This mercury eventually reaches the sea in rain, dust, and runoff from rivers and estuaries.

Williams had to pick herself up, dust herself off and try harder next time.

Because the process happens in an enclosed environment, Mighty can also re-capture dust during the milling process to re-use that material in future printing.

This long-distance dust could explain much of the bonus melting of Himalayan snows and ice, his team now reports.

But Obamacare picked itself up and dusted itself off surprisingly well.

Other versions are coated in marzipan, or dusted in powder sugar.

The searing winds and dusted Afghan sky reminded me of Iraq.

Stewed apples, dusted with cinnamon, are an ideal companion to spicy food.

But in some states, creative lawyers have dusted them off and left adult children reeling.

Mrs. Gum dusted a large old-fashioned oak chair with her apron; but he perched himself on one of its elbows.

Finally, her labors over, she dusted an aged rocking-chair and sat down, fanning herself with her hat.

This exquisite powder is to be dusted over the face, and, being perfectly harmless, may be used as often as necessity requires.

Um-ko lifted them, dusted the velvet thongs, and placed them with mathematical precision side by side upon the flat stone.

He wudden't know whether I swept or dusted rightly, or whether I gave the place a lick and a promise.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


