noun as in party
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in soiree
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Today, the city is an Asian hipster outpost, with shopping malls, clothing boutiques, and mixologist-prepared cocktails.
After a long day of him wading and me watching him in the muck, cocktails were required.
The most studious of mixologists have learned and studied technologies to help them make better cocktails.
New technologies are helping bartenders craft increasingly creative cocktails.
During Ukraine's winter revolution, Sergei says, he “built barricades and threw Molotov cocktails.”
They became quite jolly as cocktails and red liquor flowed and tingled their veins.
A matron may treat her friends to "high-balls" or cocktails at the club.
Then he felt that he had in a manner retrieved himself, and could retire from the five-o'clock cocktails with honor.
He fancied that might be the reason why the circle at the five-o'clock cocktails gradually diminished as the winter passed.
I drink no cocktails—or, when I do, I make delicious little grimaces over them, and say they burn.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.