Example Sentences
Many observers noted that, as the trial ambled through its final days, Bulger appeared to be shrinking.
He ambled into the main auditorium, telling me he was exhausted, while Newt Gingrich wrapped up a snooze of a speech.
When a child ambled up to me covered in buttons with images of the Constitution with the slogan “Miss Me Yet?”
He ambled over lightly for one of his bulk, and it became apparent that he was far from being blubbery.
She did not perceive that she was talking like her father as the sleek geldings ambled in review before them.
When it told him nine thirty had arrived, he got up, his telescope in his hand, and ambled heavily down the corridor.
But after reviewing the handiwork of Whisper Ross—who had ambled off unimpeded—Lamb saw no reason why he should not do the same.
The two old bucks ambled off to drink Lucy Warrender's health; they wished her well.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.